Hi there,
I was playing around with some JAXWS services in CXF, and am wondering
under what circumstances does a service actually go and read the WSDL
file. In the SOAP/HTTP case it doesn't have to read from the WSDL file -
all the information should be implicit from the annotations in the WSDL
code so there's no need to read from the WSDL at all. 
However, if the JMS transport is being used then the WSDL file has to be
read, because the service endpoint information is only found in the
WSDL. I note that in the jms_queue demo the service explicitly uses the
wsdlLocation attribute to point to the WSDL file.
So, is the rule "go to the WSDL only when you need to?", or, is the rule
"go to the WSDL only if the wsdlLocation has been specified in an




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