Thanks for that Daniel.

Do you know if there's a consistent sequence that cxf forces the
binders and invokers to follow i.e. Reader -> Invoker -> Writer  or if
there are scenarios that should cause the sequnce to change?

Cheers, Rob

On Feb 1, 2008 1:27 PM, Daniel Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rob,
> Writing a new databinding is slightly tricky to get completely working
> correctly.   I don't think we have any good docs for it yet.   The new
> xmlbeans databinding (on trunk only) is probably the easiest to follow
> as an example as it doesn't do anything that complex yet.
> The steps to creating a databinding would be:
> 1) Write Reader/Writer implementations that read/write to
> XmlStreamReader/Writers.     In some cases, the runtime also wants
> readers/writers for nodes, but you can always create a
> XmlStreamReader/Writer  from the node and feed it into the same impl.
> JAXB does does some optimizations if it's a node, but for simplicity,
> the xmlbeans databinding currently doesn't.
> 2) Write the "DataBinding" object that creates the readers/writers.
> The tricky part of this is the initizialize(...) method.  It needs to
> create the schemas and get them plugged into the service model for all
> the parts so that the generated wsdl will look correct.    For XMLBeans,
> it was pretty simple as the schemas are in the generated jar.   For
> each "MessagePartInfo" just need to find the appropriate XmlSchema
> element or type and set the appropriate fields.
> 3) Fault handling - this is somewhat optional (xmlbeans doesn't do it
> yet), but if your databinding has special rules for handling/mapping
> exceptions, both of the above would need updating for that as well.  A
> chunk of jaxb's complexity is around that.
> Anyway, I'd definitely recommend looking at the XmlBeans databinding.
> The JAXB databinding does a BUNCH of things that makes it very complex.
> Dan
> On Wednesday 30 January 2008, Rob Barrett wrote:
> > I'm about to start some data binding code to map soap messages to java
> > components and I'm looking at the DataBinding interfaces in cxf.
> >
> > Could anyone point me at a good point of introduction to this
> > interface/class set. I'd like to find out about the lifecycle of these
> > things, how/when they are called, etc.
> >
> > Thanks, Rob
> --
> J. Daniel Kulp
> Principal Engineer, IONA

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