
One way would be to use a CXF JAX-RS implementation. I'm presuming no SOAP is 
involved as Todd is
asking about CDATA in a context of the REST application, right ?
If so, then with JAX-RS one can just return a String which uses CData to 
encapsulate XML..., with no JAXB involved.
JAXB might be used to create the actual XML, but the String will be written 
directly to the output stream or read as is from the input stream...

Cheers, Sergey

> Yea, there really is NOT a way to do this with JAXB.   Jaxb doesn't call 
> the writeCData method on the XmlStreamWriter at all, ever.  (I just 
> grepped the source).   The ONLY way I can see to do this would be write 
> a XmlStreamWriter wrapper that wraps the "real" writer and keeps track 
> of the element it's in and if in the appropriate element, foward the 
> writeCharacters calls to writeCData calls instead.  Not sure how worth 
> it that would be.
> Dan
> On Saturday 01 March 2008, Todd Orr wrote:
>> I'm attempting to get String data wrapped in CDATA before being
>> returned to the client. I do not want special characters to be
>> escaped. First I tried simply wrapping the properties in my getters
>> with the CDATA block. Unfortunately, JAXB continued to escape all the
>> special characters.
>> I found this post:
>> http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=607524&messageID=353193
>>1. Although promising, I could not find out how to setup JAXB in my
>> applicationContext in such a way to set this as the XMLSerializer.
>> Has anyone accomplished this? It seems as though it would be a fairly
>> common need.
>> Thanks,
>> T
> -- 
> J. Daniel Kulp
> Principal Engineer, IONA
> http://www.dankulp.com/blog

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