Think You're Safe Online? Think Again!
 Anne Fisher

Let's assume for a moment that you are not a techie or a hacker. You're browsing in a 
bookstore and happen to pick up a copy of Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a 
Networked World (John Wiley & Sons, $ 29.99). As you idly flip through it, all you see 
are dense paragraphs on arcana: the role of symmetric algorithms in encryption 
systems, the relative merits of code signing and access control at the interfaces, and 
what a one-way hash function does. Whoa! This is way over your head, you think, as you 
sheepishly put the book down and look for the latest Grisham thriller.

Not so fast. Despite big chunks of esoteric techspeak, Secrets and Lies is a thriller 
of a subtler sort. Author Bruce Schneier, chief technology officer at Counterpane 
Internet Security in San Jose, wrote a 1994 book called Applied Cryptography that 
became the bible of the field. Since then, while consulting for clients like 
Hewlett-Packard, Intel, and Merrill Lynch, he has done some deep and imaginative 
thinking on whether digital security is in fact an oxymoron. (As he says in the 
preface, if you think technology can solve your security problems, then you don't 
understand the problems and you don't understand the technology.) The result is a 
startlingly lively treatise on, among many other things, why our basic decency, trust, 
and willingness to help others will always allow "social engineers" (a hacker term for 
con artists) to leapfrog even the most elaborate firewall. There are, however, ways to 
minimize the damage, which Schneier spells out in user-friendly language, with lots of 
colorful asides: In a discussion of page-jacking, he mentions that the dial telephone 
was invented in 1887 by a Kansas City funeral director named Almon Strowger, who 
suspected that operators were routing his phone calls to rival undertakers.

But Secrets and Lies is also a jewel box of little surprises you can actually use. 
See, for example, Schneier's persuasive analysis of why writing down your password (in 
defiance of your system administrator's pleas) can make your computer, and your 
network, more secure rather than less. One thing's certain: This book will make you 
think twice about ever again using your Visa card on a secure Website.

--Anne Fisher

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