Port scans legal, judge says

Federal court finds that scanning a network doesn't cause damage, or threaten public 
health and safety.

By Kevin Poulsen

December 18, 2000 9:05 AM PT

A tiff between two IT contractors that spiraled into federal court ended last month 
with a U.S. district court ruling in Georgia that port scanning a network does not 
damage it, under a section of the anti-hacking laws that allows victims of cyber 
attack to sue an attacker.

Last week both sides agreed not to appeal the decision by judge Thomas Thrash, who 
found that the value of time spent investigating a port scan can not be considered 
damage. "The statute clearly states that the damage must be an impairment to the 
integrity and availability of the network," wrote the judge, who found that a port 
scan impaired neither.

"It says you can't create your own damages by investigating something that would not 
otherwise be a crime," says hacker defense attorney Jennifer Granick. "It's a good 
decision for computer security researchers."

A port scan is a remote probe of the services a computer is running. While it can be a 
precursor to an intrusion attempt, it does not in itself allow access to a remote 
system. Port-scanning programs are found in the virtual tool chests of both Internet 
outlaws and cyber security professionals.

Scott Moulton, president of Network Installation Computer Services (NICS), is still 
facing criminal charges of attempted computer trespass under Georgia's computer crime 
laws for port scanning a system owned by a competing contractor.

Protecting 911?
According to court records, the case began last December, while Moulton was under a 
continuing services contract with Cherokee County, Georgia to maintain the county's 
emergency 911 system.

Moulton was tasked to install a connection between the 911 center and a local police 
department, and he became concerned that the system might be vulnerable to attack 
through the new link, or though other interconnections.

Apparently prompted by that concern, Moulton scanned the network on which the 911 
system resided, and in the process touched a Cherokee County web server that was owned 
and maintained by VC3, a South Carolina-based IT firm. "My client started 
investigating who was connected to the 911 center, where he worked," says Erin Stone, 
Moulton's civil attorney. "He wound up finding VC3's firewall."

When a VC3 network administrator asked Moulton in an email to explain the scan, 
"Moulton terminated the port scan immediately and responded that he worked for 
Cherokee County 911 Center and was testing security," according to the federal court's 
finding of fact.

VC3 went on to report the "suspicious activity" to the police, and Moulton soon lost 
his contract with Cherokee County. Several weeks later, the Georgia Bureau of 
Investigation arrested him.

Suit, Counter-suit
While still facing state criminal charges, Moulton counter-attacked in February by 
suing VC3 in federal court, accusing the company of making false and defamatory 
criminal allegations against him. In deciding the case last month, Judge Thrash 
rejected Moulton's claim, finding that VC3's statements to the police were privileged. 
"We're the victim in a criminal case that got sued for cooperating with police," says 
VC3 attorney Michael Hogue.

The company filed a counter-claim under an increasingly popular provision of the 
federal computer fraud and abuse act that allows victims to sue a cyber-attacker if 
they've suffered damages of at least $5000.

While VC3 acknowledged that Moulton's port scan did no direct harm, the company argued 
that the time spent investigating the event was a form of damage. "If somebody does 
some type of attack, and you are a good service provider, you spend all your time 
verifying that it did not cause a significant problem," says Hogue. "The time that it 
takes to do all that searching is the damage that we were claiming."

The judge rejected that claim, as well as an argument that the port scan, and a 
throughput test Moulton allegedly aimed at the VC3 system, threatened public health 
and safety. "[T]he tests run by Plaintiff Moulton did not grant him access to 
Defendant's network," wrote the judge. "The public data stored on Defendant's network 
was never in jeopardy."

The ruling does not affect criminal applications of the anti-hacking law, but federal 
law enforcement officials are generally in agreement that port scanning is not a crime.

The decision may help define the statute's civil boundaries at a time when more 
companies are eyeing lawsuits against computer intruders as an alternative to relying 
on government prosecution.

"This is probably the first of many decisions that will come out pertaining to the 
civil component of the computer fraud and abuse act," says former computer crime 
prosecutor David Schindler, now an attorney with the law firm of Latham & Watkins. "If 
a client came to me and said that someone had pinged on their network and nothing 
else, I probably would not advise them to take civil action."

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