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Internet Service Provider Forced to Acknowledge Obligation to Terminate Illegal 
Activities  Attorney General Eliot Spitzer has secured a guilty plea in a 
groundbreaking case against an internet service provider (ISP) that knowingly provided 
its subscribers with access to illegal child pornography.  The plea is the latest 
result of a two-year investigation conducted by the Office of the Attorney General and 
the New York State Police.

"This case establishes a common sense standard for the Internet," Spitzer said.

"When an  ISP becomes aware of illegal child pornography available in its system, the 
ISP cannot put its head in the sand."

"Clearly the failure of the Internet Service Provider to identify and terminate the 
access to child pornographic sites is gravely unfortunate.  Because the Internet knows 
no geographic boundaries, it is incumbent upon the ISPs, legally and morally, to be 
ever vigilant in protecting the public from this criminal activity," said State Police 
Superintendent James W. McMahon.  "The State Police is committed to coordinating our 
investigations with Attorney General Spitzer and other law enforcement agencies across 
the nation to end the contemptible conduct of such criminal acts."

Buffnet, a large regional ISP based in West Seneca, New York outside of Buffalo, 
pleaded guilty to the crime of Criminal Facilitation in the Fourth Degree, a Class A 
misdemeanor.  The company admitted that it failed to take action when it was notified 
by a customer as well as by law enforcement that one of the newsgroups it carried was 
being used to distribute graphic child pornography.

Beginning in 1998, the Attorney General's Office and the State Police began an 
investigation of a group that called itself "Pedo University," whose members  used the 
newsgroup to possess and exchange child pornography.  After a series of successful 
prosecutions that helped to dismantle "Pedo U," the investigation turned its focus 
from the users of the newsgroup to the ISPs that provided access to the newsgroup.  
One of these was Buffnet.  When Buffnet was made aware of the content of the 
newsgroup, it took no action.

"When BuffNet, or any ISP, is informed of this kind of heinous criminal activity, it 
has a duty to act.  Here, Buffnet chose to look the other way," Spitzer said. "This 
response is not defensible by any standard of law or conscience."

Until now,  prosecutions in this area focused primarily on individuals who subscribed 
to an ISP like BuffNET, and who logged on to a newsgroup and downloaded and traded in 
child pornography.  The Attorney General's investigation widened its focus to include 
the ISP that knowingly provided the means and the opportunity for this criminal 
conduct to occur.

Spitzer said that this plea in no way touches on the rights of artistic and first 
amendment expression,  whether communicated over the internet or by any other means.  
Spitzer emphasized, "this case involved graphic images of young children engaged in 
sexual conduct with adults.  These images went far beyond the pale of protected 

BuffNet pled guilty in State Supreme Court before the Honorable Vincent E. Doyle.  
Sentencing was adjourned to February 22, 2001. This matter was handled by Assistant 
Attorney General Paul McCarthy of the  Attorney General's Criminal Prosecutions Bureau 
assisted by Investigators James Domres and Michael McCartney, Internet specialists of 
the ttorney General's  Investigations Bureau, and by New York State Police 
Investigator Joseph Thornton of the Buffalo Special Investigations Unit.

Inv. Shaun Thurston
NYS Attorney General's Office
Criminal Division

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