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Security showdown: Black Hat vs. Def Con
By Robert Lemos, ZDNN
July 11, 2001 4:38 AM PT

Las Vegas plays host to two separate security conferences this week--one for people 
who guard computer systems, another for those who break into them.

System administrators and hackers, CIOs and script kiddies will all gather in the 
desert to trade information, swap stories and take each other's measure.

At the Black Hat Briefings security conference Wednesday and Thursday at Caesar's 
Palace, security experts will teach network administrators and information-technology 
managers how to protect their critical systems.

Yet starting Friday, hackers become ascendant at Def Con, with many from the 
underground culture coming out into the hot Las Vegas sun to trade code, learn new 
tricks, and, in some cases, finally meet in real life.

"They are very different conferences," said Scott Culp, security-program manager for 
Microsoft, who plans to attend Black Hat but not Def Con. "Def Con is very focused on 
attacking systems, while Black Hat is focused on defending them."

Microsoft tests the wind yearly at Black Hat to see what security threats system 
administrators are most worried about, Culp said. Last year, the major worries were 
the virulent spread of worms through e-mail and the high cost of properly managing 

In response to hearing such worries at Black Hat and other conferences, Microsoft 
focused more heavily on getting the bugs out of its own programs, announcing its "war 
on hostile code" in April.

Don't expect any panacea for the high-tech world's security woes, however.

"If you're looking for a killer technology that has radically altered the security 
landscape in the past year, it's not there," Culp said. "Security is about banging out 
incremental improvement every day."

The flip side of the security coin shows up at Def Con.

While the past few years of media frenzy surrounding hackers has caused the crowds to 
swell at the conference, actual hackers still do show up, said Jay Beale, security 
team director for Linux-software maker MandrakeSoft.

"Def Con just mirrors the population of hackers in general," he said. "The bulk are 
just script kiddies, but there is some small portion that really know what they are 

With its "capture the flag" contest, where teams of attackers try to crack a handful 
of servers set up for the tourney, Def Con is a big game for some. Others barely 
attend the conference, meeting in rooms behind closed doors to swap information and 
finally chat in real life.

But while there are two distinct conferences, the attendees have a lot in common.

Some system administrators come early to Black Hat to attend seminars including 
"Ultimate Hacking!" a two-day course that teaches them to hack their own systems, the 
idea being that knowing your own weaknesses is the best defense.

Others officially attend Black Hat on behalf of their company then stay on to meet the 
other side at Def Con.

In the end, the worst thing about the conferences may be that security and hacking 
have become too popular, Beale said.

"The only complaint I have is that there are too many people who know about it at this 
point," he said.

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