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White House creates cyberspace security post

Thursday 11 October 2001  http://www.cw360.com/

The White House has appointed a top official from the US National Security Council to 
serve as presidential adviser for cyberspace security.

The announcement follows the White House's unveiling of plans to establish a new 
Office of Homeland Security, headed by the former governor of Pennsylvania, Tom Ridge, 
who was sworn in on 8 October.

The president's special adviser for cyberspace security, Richard Clarke, will help 
mesh ongoing critical infrastructure protection efforts in various government agencies 
and the private sector.

Currently, there are a number of entities in place to swap information on perceived or 
potential cyberattacks on the nation's most sensitive infrastructures, including IT, 
telecom, finance and transport.

Ken Watson, president of the industry-led Partnership for Critical Infrastructure 
Security, recently said before a Senate committee: "The current mix of lead agencies, 
sector liaisons and uncoordinated budgets makes synchronised action difficult."

Watson said that he believed there were about 13 different efforts to safeguard 
critical infrastructures.

Clarke is charged with coordinating these groups. In the case of disruption, he will 
orchestrate efforts to restore systems.

Industry groups such as the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA) 
hailed Clarke's appointment.

ITAA president Harris Miller characterised Clarke's appointment as installing the 
equivalent of a cybersecurity czar, a post ITAA has repeatedly urged the White House 
to create.


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