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Information systems security lab would be housed at Griffiss


MARCY — In the aftermath of Sept. 11, a technology expert said it’s more important 
than ever to develop a national center for cyber security at the Griffiss Business and 
Technology Park.

Thomas Triscari Jr. stressed the world needs to closely monitor cyber-based warfare 
and the world’s information systems. He spoke during a session held Friday at the SUNY 
Institute of Technology at Utica/Rome campus.

Tiscari is a management and technology associate professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic 
Institute who is working for Rome Lab.

“We need to protect our information systems,” Triscari said. “We feel we need to 
protect our security and go beyond military action.”

“This was a brilliant, diabolical plan,” Triscari said of the terrorist attacks. “They 
used our own systems — found our vulnerabilities — and hit us there. ... We can’t let 
that happen again.”

Last week, Triscari went before the Griffiss Local Development Corp. He said he 
envisioned a program at the lab that offers internships to top students and attracts 
$10 million to $20 million in state and federal funding to lure private businesses to 
Griffiss. He said the program could recruit future specialists in the cyber field — 
and could begin this summer.

The world has changed after Sept. 11, Triscari said, and the Mohawk Valley has to 
determine what role it will play.

Tim Clancy, project director for the House Science Committee, said he expects James 
Kallstrom — director of the Office of Public Safety for New York state — and Richard 
Clarke — special adviser for cyber security to President Bush — to tour Rome Lab in 
the near future.

Orlando R. Baiocchi, dean of the school of information systems and engineering 
technology at SUNY Institute of Technology, said he wants a national center for cyber 
security built at the SUNY campus.
“This would be a great opportunity not only for the school, but for the area,” 
Baiocchi said.

Jorge E. Novillo, professor and chairman of the department of computer science at SUNY 
Institute of Technology, said it was something the area needs to keep college 
graduates here.

“There is a lot of talent here,” Novillo said. “It would be a huge step to get a 
facility here that would have research and development opportunities.”

The school is working with SUNY Stony Brook on a partnership for a technology center, 
Baiocchi said. “We want to establish cooperation between upstate and downstate,” he 

Rep. Sherwood L. Boehlert, R-New Hartford, chairman of the House Science Committee, 
said he fully supported the plan to build a technology center at Rome Laboratory.

“The NIJ Center at Rome has established an effective partnership with law enforcement 
agencies across the country to protect all of us from high-tech crime,” said Boehlert, 
who was able to obtain a $4 million appropriation for the lab. “(That appropriation) 
will go a long way in taking that cyber science lab to the next level.”

Rome Mayor Joseph A. Griffo said he thought bringing a technology-cyber center to 
Griffiss was a great idea.

“When you are dealing with new threats, if you can develop new technology that spawn 
new businesses to assist in this new effort. I think that’s a great concept,” Griffo 

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