C y b e r M a c @ E x M a c h i n a ( M a i l i n g   L i s t )
<http://www.cybercafe21.net> & <http://www.cybercafe21.tv>

le <date abrégée>, <expéditeur> a écrit :
>Soit deux semaines d'utilisation normale.
>Soit une erreur bus du jour au lendemain...
Trouvé ceci sur le site de DIGIDESIGN
"Most likely the TDM Flex cable ( it is actually a expansion board and
not a ribbon cable ) Has been damaged. This cable while able to flex into
position is easily damaged during installation. Care should be taken not
to bend the cable any farther than required to make the connection and
fit on the HD cards.
Try the HD Core card alone with no Flex cable attached. If another TDM
Flex Cable is available try swapping this cable in."

Si tu y retrouve tes jeunes...


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