Vous êtes bien véhément aujourd'hui la chaleur qui revient ?

Pour larguer Spotlight, d'après http://www.macosxhints.com :

"As cool as Spotlight is, not all of us need it clogging up our menu bars. Apple doesn't let you Command-drag it out of the menu bar like you can other extras, but you can still remove with a bit of hacking. As an administrator, navigate to /System/Library/CoreServices, and delete Search.bundle. If you think might want to re-enable it later, just move it somewhere else or rename it. Open up the Activity Monitor and force quit SystemUIServer. When it reopens, your menu bar will be Spotlight free. Note that this doesn't affect applications such as the Finder or Mail, and you can still use them to search as usual. All it does is take the search icon out of the menu bar.

[robg adds: I tested this one, and it does indeed work. I used the terminal to just move the file (sudo mv Search.bundle Search_SAFE.bundle), and then restarted the SystemUIServer. Sure enough, the icon was gone. But in case it's not obvious from the hint, Spotlight's functionality is also gone -- you can't use Command- Space or Command-Option-Space. Spotlight still works in the various Spotlight-enabled applications, but you can't use its system-wide functionality. To put things back to normal, I just reversed the sudo mv and restarted the SystemUIServer again.]"

Il y a là d'autres truc pour réindexer etc.


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