> Une amie est sous Panther (10.3.9) avec un iBook G4 et , lors de
> l'inspection des préférences
> de Comptes, elle a remarqué qu'une application intitulée "Microsoft AU
> Daemon" s'ouvre
> à l'ouverture de la session de façon automatique.

Je te recolle ci-dessous un thread à ce sujet sur macaddict. Tu peux
désactiver pour résumer...

That's the new "AutoUpdate" daemon that runs in the background and will
notify you of future Office updates as far as I know...

You'll also note the new "Microsoft AutoUpdater" application in your
"Applications" folder.
05-27-2004, 06:37 PM
Ah, do they tell us about this when we install Office? I'd like to know
about any daemons running really.

I think they should just use the now increasingly standard 'Check for
updates...' within the app menu. It's not like there are updates to office
every week like Adium or something.
05-27-2004, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by monkeybrain:
I think they should just use the now increasingly standard 'Check for
updates...' within the app menu.

They do.

Word > Help > Check for Updates (which ironically installs the "Microsoft
AutoUpdater" application and inserts the AU daemon when chosen)

If you don't want the daemon and/or "Microsoft AutoUpdater"
application...simply delete the application and get rid of the "Login" item
and don't check for updates within the application.

05-28-2004, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by monkeybrain:
Ah, do they tell us about this when we install Office? I'd like to know
about any daemons running really.

I think they should just use the now increasingly standard 'Check for
updates...' within the app menu. It's not like there are updates to office
every week like Adium or something.

It asked me during my install (one of the last steps if I recall). I
selected yes, but when I saw the daemon on my start up items, I simply
removed it.
Serge Paulus

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