From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>My uncle was involved as a Lieutenant in the Great War
>and told me that after the war it was suggested that a
>statue of a giant rat should be erected in Whitehall
>instead of the Cenotaph, since that was how so many
>soldiers ended up - blown to pieces and the pieces
>eaten by rats. It was suggested that the idea might
>not be popular because of the proximity of the Prime
>Minister's residence and an association that might be
formed in the public's mind between the two.

>  The creation of a shiny new
>graveyard with ten thousand bodies in it every year
>for a few decades might achieve rather a lot more than
>the present arrangements.
>Any comments from anyone?
>Norman Bassett

        Steve, & Norm,

        So long as government sees the children of its
citizens as nothing more than battle fodder, then good
men and women will ever become as salt to the earth with
their spilt blood.
        You can bury a thousand men, and more than a few
will doff their hats; in but a century's time, they will be but a
faint memory. Today's woes overshadow yesterday's remorse,
and history is yet again repeated; it is all in the name of
'expedience', and the false prophets.
        That the leadership of a nation would willingly spill
the blood of its youth in a spree of exuberance speaks of its
essence: evil incarnate. If you send one man to his untimely
death, it is spoken of as murder. But if you send thousands
to their untimely deaths, it is glory. Where is the justice in that?


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