From:   "Gregg Mitchell", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I.G., I read your comments with interest.

Your argument re. parrallelling condemnation of Police
& shooters is fallacious.  Shooters are citizens.  They
pursue their interest for pleasure, without pecuniary
advantage and without the attendant pressure to
conform to views held or implied by superiors.

A police officer is not that fortunate.  He is an individual,
but his opinions and actions are bound by his office.  He is
an administrator and enforcer of government.  The Police,
therefore, is the body and he is but part of that organism.
The only free will he can exercise is that which exists
within the bounds of conscience.  This is as it should be.  I
have no argument with that, I see no dichotomy, nor anything

When the Police attempt to create the Law, I despair of
this country.

ACPO, the Superintendents' Association & Police Federation
engage in political activity, pursuing their own agenda
with their advice & statements.  They ignored the realities
of legitimate firearm ownership in this country.  I lost
respect for those bodies.  It is concomitant that I lose a
degree of respect for the people they purport to represent and the
people who support their existence.

When the Police, as an organisation, override "Law" with
"Policy" and actively contribute to bad legislation, then
the Police are irrevocably damaged, tainted far more than
by any isolated corruption.  After all, if I hear rubbish
on something I know about, then what other rubbish have I been
fed over the years from the same source?

"I was only a guard dog at Buchenwald"  doesn't work
either.  The Home Office & Parliament are not the only
villains in the piece.  When will the
Police learn that respect is hard earned & easily lost?

I resent the historical involvement of the Police in the
shabby legislation we endure.
I resent the fact that I now regard any Police statement
(re. armed crime, firearms) with suspicion.

If attitudes displayed in the postings have shaken you,
don't lose heart. Shooters are just ordinary people.  When
you've been rogered as soundly as we all have, it bound
to sting a bit.  Keep faith and Good Luck.


By the way, removal of anonymity is lunacy, but the
fastest way to cause it is to use the facility too casually.

Article 29 doesn't apply, as far as I am aware.

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