From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

><<<Whatever happened to the idea of innocent
>until proven guilty?>>>
>Puzzled a bit by this one. Who said anything about innocent or gulity?
>Semantics is not a favourite subject, but here we go.

        Go back and read your original comment.
        It was to the effect that there were no innocent people,
only those who were not yet found out. The gist is that the world
is full of criminals just waiting to happen.

>My terrier would rather chase rats than come to me. So I agree, they are
>good judges.
>Hope these drugs dogs didn't cock their legs on you tho!

        Well, all that proves is that your dog sees you as a lesser
rat not worth chasing <snicker>.
        And, no, those dogs never cocked a leg in my direction.
        Dogs show respect by deferring to those whom they see
as either equals or betters. Dogs don't pee on their friends.

><<<In my book, if you ain't under arrest, or being
>pursued, they you is as legal as legal can be. And no man
>has any authority to cast doubt upon you without reason.>>>
>Hold on. In the states, does every arrest lead to a conviction????
>Yippeeeeee. I'm on the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        There you go again.
        Where did I infer that every arrest lead to a conviction?

        All I said was that if one not under arrest, or under
suspicion for an illegal act, that one is free.

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