From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>The beginning of this story is bad enough - but read it to the end to find
>out just how ludicrous these anti-gunners can be.   Mike P

        Steve, & Mike,

        And, this was my input:
        Dear Editor,

        Well, I'm flabbergasted!
        And that's putting it mildly.
        Of course, I'm from the state of Washington, and that might
explain a something to some people.
        While 'surfing' the Internet a bit ago, I came across the story
referenced above. After reading it, I sat back a moment and considered
the impact of the decisions made by the elected officials of that town.
        Imagine, I thought to myself, that a town was about to tell the
parents of children just how to raise them. No toys of a certain sort,
no play of a certain type, no thinking in a certain way. Just do as we say,
or else.
        It's the 'or else' part I don't like.
        I thought this was America, where you had freedom of choice,
where you were free to choose, and if 'YOU' made the wrong choice, then
the courts were made to be availed to, in order to set wrongs right.
        How dare they?
        How dare parks officials decide to set the limits of citizen acts
merely because they _think_ they have the power to? Where do they get
their power from? The citizens, of course. So, how can they tell the citizen
what to do? From whence do they proscribe the limits of freedom?
        There are two distinct Constitutions which the citizens of
Indiana may appeal: that of their state, and the US Constitution. The latter
being the law of the land -- Art. VI, º2.
        At least one guarantees that all the citizens have certain rights
that cannot be run roughshod over, merely because some highfalutin
power besotted majority in city hall feels the need to pass a bit of 'feel
good' legislation in order to give their supporters the idea that they
did 'something' to address a certain 'problem'.
        If there is a problem, it is that certain people want to control
the acts of everybody else -- regardless. That is the real problem.
        If there is a solution to be had, it is that government is the
supposed to 'educate' the people as to what their rights are, and what
the responsibilities are in that regard. Making laws isn't the solution.
        Informing the citizen of responsibilities is the real solution.
        But placing limits on everybody's liberties because of the acts
of a few less responsible citizens is heinous, because it says in effect that
no citizen is responsible enough to decide for himself what is right. If that
indeed the case, then the citizens in city hall, and the parks commission
are declaring themselves to be gods. So, who is really right here?

E.J. Totty
Everett, Washington
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