From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Whilst we are on this subject may I say that I believe that the GCN have
>the right to be anti-gun, but we have the equal right to be pro-gun AND

>I suggested the motorcycle museum, not the NEC!
>The GCN is not Government sponsored.  They do seem to have reasonably
>competent PR though.

        Steve, & Alex,

        Well, do be sure to have people who can represent your
cause who won't wilt under fire.
        I've seen enough of that from men and women here who
just are not prepared to face the inevitable trained and hostile
proponent of hate. To be able to calmly, cooly, and efficiently
tackle every argument with great aplomb is a characteristic that is
sorely lacking in all but a few speakers on our side of the argument,
because most speakers on the local scene are not practiced enough.

        The antis almost always employ the emotion card, and they
do it very effectively, especially when the debaters are a woman on
the antis side, and a man on the pro side. Invariably, they try to make
the man appear to look like a some kind of pervert, who could care
less about the welfare of the children who are sometimes the targets.

        In cases like these, where a good woman speaker cannot be
availed to, it helps beyond words for a progun speaker to have his
own children with him, and maybe a few of their friends whom are
shooters as well. You can't believe the effect that having a young
person speak lucidly for the cause can have. There are so many times
where their welfare is discussed, but their input is not addressed.

        The antis dare not attack the young person, for fear that it
will detract from their position, especially when the young person
can out-talk them on the issue. It helps immeasurably for those young
people to be well versed to begin with, especially with the facts, and
how those facts are misused, and twisted to mean what they are not.

        When the debaters are women only, then the debate can
proceed from the standpoint of real facts. The antis don't talk facts
unless it appears to help their side. 
        It helps as well to have a woman who is comely, and whose
elocution is a cut above the average.

        Having the whole family can even do the wonders that the
antis will only stutter along trying to effuse their thoughts in a less
effective way.
        The great object here is get this to become a family sport -- as
it used to be, and the more family members that get involved the better.
        This is why you absolutely must endeavor to fill your ranks
with women who can speak the issues, clearly, calmly, and be able to
take on the hype by exposing it for the crass lie it is.
        And the more woman the better.

=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=
=*= Liberty: Live it . . . or lose it.  =*= 
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=

My suggestion is Prince William, I cannot believe the amount of
criticism he has gotten from these anti-hunting nutters.


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