From:   "David M", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Electronic Telegraph
ISSUE 2064 Thursday 18 January 2001
   MPs vote for total ban on hunting
By George Jones and Benedict Brogan

PARLIAMENT took the first steps towards criminalising hunting with dogs when
MPs voted overwhelmingly last night for an outright ban, backed by fines of
up to £5,000.
The hard-line option of a total ban on hunting and hare coursing was
approved by 387 to 174 - a majority of 213 - on a free vote. The result was
greeted by a loud cheer from the massed ranks of Labour MPs. The last time
the Commons voted on hunting - in November 1997, soon after Labour came to
power - the majority in favour of a ban was 260.

Outside Parliament, disappointed pro-hunt campaigners blew whistles and
hunting horns in defiance of the result at the end of a three-day vigil. A
compromise proposal allowing hunting to continue as a licensed activity,
supervised by a new regulatory authority, was rejected by 382 votes to 182,
a majority of 200.

A third option of self-regulation by the hunting fraternity was rejected by
an even bigger margin - by 399 votes to 155, a majority of 244 - after a
lacklustre debate. But a long and difficult parliamentary battle lies ahead
to put a ban on the statute book. The vote paves the way for a pre-election
battle in the House of Lords, where Tory peers have vowed to obstruct the
progress of the Hunting Bill.

There is little prospect of the Bill becoming law before the next general
election. There were signs last night that Tony Blair and his senior
ministers may seek to secure the compromise option of tighter regulation
after the next election. Four Cabinet ministers - Jack Straw, Robin Cook,
David Blunkett and John Reid - voted for the "middle way" option of allowing
hunting to continue under a licensing system.

Mr Blair disappointed the anti-hunting lobby by failing to vote, despite
reaffirming his support for a ban.. He flew to Belfast for talks on the
future of Northern Ireland, with Downing Street stressing that prohibiting
hunting was not at the top of his priorities. The debate followed a day of
protest which saw thousands of hunt supporters gather at meets around the
country. Many said they were ready to go to jail if Parliament voted to
criminalise the activity.

Last night the Countryside Alliance said in a statement: "The reputation of
Parliament for reasoned debate and fairness has been put on trial and found
sorely wanting." The Alliance, said its chief executive, Richard Burge, was
saddened but not surprised at the result and that so few MPs had bothered to
attend the debate beforehand.

The Tory Peter Luff, a founder member of the Middle Way group of MPs, said:
"This is act two of a five-act drama. There are more acts to come. I am
convinced the Lords will now vote for the middle way."

David Lidington, Conservative home affairs spokesman, denounced the proposed
ban as "illiberal and intolerant" and a waste of police resources at a time
of rising violent crime. "It would harm individual freedom, without benefit
to animal welfare. It would involve powers and penalties out of all
proportion to the alleged problem."

But Michael Foster, the Labour MP who three-and-a-half years ago tried
unsuccessfully to ban foxhunting through a Private Member's Bill, insisted
that it was the only "consistent and principled" option.

Opening the debate, the junior Home Office minister Mike O'Brien said the
votes were "a matter of conscience" for each MP. He rejected claims by Tory
MPs that a ban on hunting would lead to moves to outlaw other sports, such
as shooting and fishing.

Earlier, Lord Strathclyde, Tory leader in the House of Lords, made clear
that the Hunting Bill had little prospect of making it on to the statute
book in the current Parliamentary session - and would not clear the Lords
before a general election expected in May. "No Bill, not even the shortest
and least controversial, can normally pass the Lords in less than six to
seven weeks from when it leaves the Commons," he said.
Er, isn't it more that a ban on shooting has led to a ban on hunting?


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