From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is incredible:

A man who was mistakenly arrested and charged with possessing a firearm
which turned out to be a cordless drill has been awarded compensation.
Mel Sealy, 50, was paid an undisclosed sum in an out-of-court settlement
after he successfully sued North Wales Police for wrongful arrest and
imprisonment.  The former police officer from Barbados was held in
custody for 10 days after he was arrested in 1998.

I cannot see anything "incredible" here. The police arrested a man for
possessing a gun, which turned out to be a cordless drill.  Rather than
admit that they made a mistake and risk scandal, the police then
searched the man's home to see if they could fit him up with another
charge.  When they could not find a gun at his home (more intelligent
force would have brought one with them and left it behind the sofa) they
let him go without a charge.

The man is now suing the police for attempting to cover up their arses.
That is the only thing that is "incredible", because on the same basis
the whole of Westminster should be in jail.


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