From:   "David M", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Obviously it would be great if everyone agreed to actively oppose all
proposed restrictions, but that seems a long way away._

Derek Bernard
When the only thing left legal is air rifles!


Let's face it shooting sports are doomed in Britain. Even if you manage to
carry on in some form or other you'll be so bound up in stupid rules and red
tape that all the fun of it will have gone.
Now the good news. The New Zealand Government is about to ease the
immigration rules here again and is actively seeking people with a trade or
Pistol shooting is flourishing here and handguns are cheap. Rifle shooting,
no nonsense about what calibre rifle the cops will let you have.You get a
licence and go and buy what YOU want. If you want two, four or ten rifles
you just buy them, rifles are cheap here. Shotguns you name it you can shoot
it. Great clubs all over the country you can shoot clays every weekend if
you want.
Don't just sit there moaning get onto the NZ High Commission and find out
about emmigrating. You have nothing to lose and your sport to regain.
Another five years of Blair and Britain will be finished utterly.
The New Zealand firearms community welcomes enthusiatic and committed

You ought to be working for them going by that lot! ;)

Don't I recall some recent Govt. report saying that transfers of semi-auto
rifles should be banned and all long guns registered?


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