...seems to have problems.  Can we please revert to as the 
"production" version, until this problem with the 218 branch is corrected?

When processing the setup.ini file from a "local" directory (actually on 
a remote SMB share), it either

a) fails with a popup that says "setup.exe has generated errors and will 
be closed by Windows.  You will need to restart the program.  An error 
log is being created."  (However, I can't seem to find this error log...)


b) consumes memory without bound until it dies with no error message.  I 
never get to see the chooser.

I'm using W2K.


Here is setup.log.full:

2002/05/12 19:50:07 Starting cygwin install, version
2002/05/12 19:50:07 Current Directory: \\Polgara\private\software\cygwin
2002/05/12 19:50:10 Ending cygwin install

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