Hi all,

the windows runtime linker allows rebinding of dll's and exe for which I have
written a tool currently located on the kde-cygwin project on

A side effect of this is, that objdump prints each line twice (the second line
contains no additional infos), which blows up listing on bigger libs (for
example about 35000 lines of 100860 for the kdecore dll from kde 2.2.2), so my
question is, are there any objections for removing this ?

001540f0       0017f218 ffffffff ffffffff 00189390 00003934

        DLL Name: qt-2-3.dll
        vma:  Hint/Ord Member-Name
        181798    844  _7QString$null   5ff556b8
        The Import Address Table (difference found)
        vma:  Hint/Ord Member-Name
        5ff556b8          844  _7QString$null


Ralf Habacker

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