Hallo Charles,

Am Dienstag, 18. Juni 2002 um 20:18 schriebst du:

> So, I propose to
>    a) add a libiconv dependency (*)
>    b) add a libexpat dependency -- yes, 0.11.2 can use expat if it is there.

> (*) Yes, I'll provide/maintain libiconv-1.8.0 -- but I would appreciate 
> if someone who has been whining about the lack of libiconv would take 
> over maintainership of my zip and unzip packages (Gerrit??).


> Comments/Discussion?

:-)  Great.  Well, I don't like the part about 'whining', but all the
rest is great.

Ok. I'll take the two packages if no one steps on my toes now...

But my priority is perl 5.8 now and I don't plan to release new zip/unzip
packages before perl 5.8 is done.


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