Hello Robert,

Wednesday, June 26, 2002, 11:54:05 PM, you wrote:

RC> I've uploaded a new setup.exe snapshot. It's got some major parsing
RC> changes... I don't think I've broken anything, but I'd appreciate

It seems there is a problem with setup.exe being able to recognize the
dependent packages for some of the packages - apache, inetutils. Maybe
its the same for all packages but I cant be quite sure.

Below I just expose the problem I don't know which code causes it - I
guess it is the setup.ini parser.

Take a look of he "if" block on Line 571, choose.cc (2.253 snapshot):

The dp->package.serialise () method returns the 'ldesc' of the
parent package itself for all the dependencies (i.e. the for loop) -
see below:

(gdb) next
575               String requires = dp->package.serialise ();
(gdb) step
PackageSpecification::serialise (this=0x1287b24) at PackageSpecification.cc:54
54      {
(gdb) next
55        return _packageName;
(gdb) p _packageName
$30 = {theData = 0x1287860}
(gdb) p *_packageName.theData
$31 = {count = 1,
  theString = 0x1287888 "The Apache Project is a collaborative software developm
ent\neffort aimed at creating a robust, commercial-grade, featureful,\nand freel
y-available source code implementation of an HTTP (Web)\nserver. The"...,
  cstr = 0x0, length = 639}

This taken itself is wrong - to add more, there is a nasty side effect
:) With the apache package it causes the stack being seriosly overwritten
in the call to msg() (called via engLog manipulator), where a buffer
with fixed size of 1000 is allocated on the stack:

(gdb) step
operator<< (os=@0x49f974, theString=@0x22ee64) at String++.cc:260
260       os << theString.cstr_oneuse();
(gdb) p theString.theData
$44 = (_data *) 0x1fc6cf8
(gdb) p *theString.theData
$45 = {count = 1,
  theString = 0x1fd30a0 "The Apache Project is a collaborative software developm
ent\neffort aimed at creating a robust, commercial-grade, featureful,\nand freel
y-available source code implementation of an HTTP (Web)\nserver. The"...,
  cstr = 0x0, length = 1280}

This buffer with a length of 1280 will later corrupt the stack :) The
size is 1280 because we have 2 dependencies, for which, as explained
above, we get the 'ldesc' of the parent.

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