Thanks for your review.

> I think just "Devel" would be fine. That's what automake and make are.

category: Devel


> This package seems to work fine. The example requires qt so it 
> doesn't really compile, but oh well. The point is to generate the
> Makefile, which works. It doesn't seem actually to be limited to just qt. 

I did not change sources in example dir.

> The exe is converted with perl2exe, does it actually rely on perl
> in any way?

?? I don't know perl2exe.
TMAKE is a perl script.

> The license seems to be a BSD-advert-like (with TrollTech 
> instead of UCB), which might cause problems if it is used 
> by GPL projects, no? Might want to mention that in the annoucement.
> Too bad, looks useful. 

I think no problem, because many linux distributions includes  tmake.
And I'm waiting a reply from trolltech.

> Typo in /usr/doc/Cygwin/tmake-blah.README:
> Making binary package:
>  $ cd /usr/src/astyle-(VERSION)
>                ^^^^^^
> There are a couple other lines with "astyle" instead of "tmake" too. 

Sorry, fixed.

> Also I don't like that just doing a "make" in the src directory actually
> installs, but I suppose that's something to take up with TrollTech. 

fixed. "make" do nothing, Installation requires "make install".


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