
This is an update release for the cygwin gnupg package. See:
< http://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-announce/2002q4/000256.html >
for details.

Changes for the cygwin version:
* New upstream release. All patches for cygwin, except the patches to
  build gpg with a newer gettext, went into the upstream release.
* The package now contains the original's package detached gpg signature
  by the author and detached signatures of the patch file and the
  build/packaging script signed by the cygwin package maintainer of
* Build script updated to support digital signatures (TNX Lapo)
  - signatures can be checked with "./gnupg-1.2.1-1.sh checksig"
  - "./gnupg-1.2.1-1.sh all" can still be used to create an unsigned
  - "SIG=1 ./gnupg-1.2.1-1 all" can be used to create a signed package
   (with only original gnupg package signature AND signatures on script
   and patch)

Here are the setup.hint and the URLs:

# No comment
sdesc: "GnuPG is GNU's tool for secure communication and data storage."
ldesc: "GNU Privacy Guard is GNU's tool for secure communication and data
storage. It can be used to encrypt data and to create digital signatures.
GnuPG is a complete and free replacement for PGP. It includes an advanced
key management facility and is compliant with the proposed OpenPGP
Internet standard as described in RFC 2440."
curr: 1.2.1-1
prev: 1.0.7-3
category: Utils
requires: cygwin libintl2 libiconv2 zlib

Please upload:


PGP/GPG key  (ID: 0x9F8A785D)  available  from  wwwkeys.de.pgp.net
key-fingerprint 550D F17E B082 A3E9 F913  9E53 3D35 C9BA 9F8A 785D

Attachment: msg04384/pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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