I've discovered that in some cases I'm not getting the response that I
expect from the HTTP request that setup.exe issues.  I believe my particular
case is probably a misconfiguration of the Apache server that hosts my
website, but in any case I think it might make the setup.exe user experience
a little better if, when generating the HTTP "Host:" header, that it
shouldn't include the (optional) port parameter if it is the default port of

Here's an example of my problem...
This is pretty much what setup.exe is sending:
> telnet abraham.backus.com 80
GET /setup.ini HTTP/1.0
Host: abraham.backus.com:80

...spits back some default stuff from netidentity.com, the company that
hosts my site...

This is what works with the way the web server is configured:
> telnet abraham.backus.com 80
GET /setup.ini HTTP/1.0
Host: abraham.backus.com

...spits back the content of my setup.ini...

I've attached a patch for nio-http.cc that should help setup.exe work
through this problem.  I haven't been able to unit test this fix as I can't
seem to get setup.exe to build.  This sounds familiar so I will of course
search the archives for why I can't get it to build :)


Attachment: cygwin-setup.patch
Description: Binary data

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