Pierre A. Humblet wrote:

# if USERDOMAIN isn't empty and
# USERDOMAIN isn't the hostname then we are in a domain
if [ ! -z "$USERDOMAIN" ] && [ "$USERDOMAIN" != "`hostname`" ] ; then
# domain user

# Should we append rather than replace?
if [ ! -e /etc/passwd ] ; then
/bin/mkpasswd ${type} > /etc/passwd
if [ ! -e /etc/group ] ; then
/bin/mkgroup ${type} > /etc/group
That file has no effect if it runs after passwd-grp.bat, because
then the passwd file already exists. I have observed that order, I don't know if it's deterministic.

So that's why domain users are not included, and why they are included
if they delete /etc/passwd and rerun /etc/postinstall/passwd-grp.sh.done
after setup, as has been suggested on the list.

This ``$type'' should only poll for the current user in the domain. I and my company would be very upset if I polled for 10's of thousands of users.


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