On Fri, 2003-01-24 at 00:13, Roth, Kevin P. wrote:
> Another issue here is for those of us behind a corporate (or other
> restrictive) firewall that may not even permit UDP pings out the door.
> In this setup we usually have to use HTTP downloads through a proxy
> server.

You might like to see my email "RE: "Mirrors list order is snafued" -
What is the order supposedto be?"

> The ping method most likely to work is going to be a TCP ping on the
> proper port based on protocol (port 80, port 21? for FTP, etc). On the
> HTTP side, use the proxy settings if they've been defined, and just do
> a HEAD request for the root directory of the mirror site. Dunno what
> the FTP equivalent is but it must be similar.

TCP won't work either in corporate environments where egress filtering
is in place - which is most environments I've seen. Application layer
pings are the most robust way.

> Or, add a new column for the country.

For experimentation, why not use a command line parameter to enable a
display choice button. Then we can default it / allow a command line
selection / allow an ini file selection for release.

> Could we also have an option to sort based on protocol, or better yet
> filter the list based on protocol? Being within a corporate network, I
> can't easily use FTP or RSYNC, so the HTTP servers are the only
> choices for me...


> Also - as long as we're sharing... When can we have a setup.exe
> "update-mode" wizard? After running through all 5 screens of questions
> the first time, I shouldn't have to hit next on each of those screens
> every time I update. Can we have the first screen just summarize the
> saved choices from before, and ask whether I want to update based on
> those choices, or whether I need to re-answer all the Q's.

It's mostly there. Explore the command line options.

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