On Sun, 2003-08-17 at 12:16, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:

> I didn't think we needed this either, but there were a few people who did
> read the logs (without much more knowledge of setup).  Frankly, some of
> the setup-related questions on the list result in a request to post the
> log, and apparently some people do peek into them (after searching the
> archives - whoohoo, somebody *is* doing it!).  An example is
> <http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2003-08/msg00761.html>.  

Thats just you adding to the confusion :}.

> So I decided that
> since we do write a reasonably verbose message to the log, we should
> clarify it.  Otherwise, let's make it cryptic enough not to arouse
> people's suspicitions.  Does the above make sense?

Not really. Its a detailed message about internal operations. Lets leave
it at that.


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