On 2004-01-15T01:08-0000, Robert R Schneck-McConnell wrote:
) http://math.berkeley.edu/~schneck/ssmtp/setup.hint
) http://math.berkeley.edu/~schneck/ssmtp/ssmtp-2.60.4-1.tar.bz2
) http://math.berkeley.edu/~schneck/ssmtp/ssmtp-2.60.4-1-src.tar.bz2

Uploaded, thanks for the update.

Once you have verified you can install this version with setup.exe (using a
default mirror), feel free to announce the update on the cygwin-announce
mailing list.

Daniel Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://naim-users.org/nmlorg/   http://naim.n.ml.org/
I don't like sending my conversation hundreds of miles where a lot
of people can read it o_0 even if I am just talking about cheese. --
Avatar214, re: encryption in naim

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