I believe I am all caught up from this past week's posts. A PPL will go out
as scheduled on Tuesday (the day before LinuxWorld*).

It looks like while I was out gtypist and perl-libwin32 fulfilled all of
their requirements, so unless anyone sends me a note asking otherwise, I am
going to upload those packages tonight.

Package: gtypist 2.7-1  [2003-12-09]
Description: GNU Typist
   Proposer: Yaakov Selkowitz
   Proposal: http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-apps/2003-12/msg00127.html
           Release directory (for use with setup.exe):
 Good to go: Gerrit P. Haase
     Status: Attained required 3 votes. Package available. Reviewed.

Package: perl-libwin32 0.191-1  [2003-12-28]
Description: Perl extensions for using the Win32 API
   Proposer: Rafael Kitover
   Proposal: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Good to go: Gerrit P. Haase
     Status: Attained required 3 votes. Package available. Reviewed.

* I am planning on attending the LWE on Wednesday at the Jacob Javits Center.
  If you are going to be there and would like to meet for lunch or anything,
  let me know off-list. If you will be free on Wednesday and can be in the
  NY metro area, registration for the Exhibit Hall is free if you sign up
  today or tomorrow at www.linuxworldexpo.com. It looks like Harold Hunt
  will be there as well, and I know Red Hat has a booth (#739) so we may get
  to meet other Cygwin personalities by chance ;)

Daniel Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://naim-users.org/nmlorg/   http://naim.n.ml.org/
The pursuit of pretty formulas and neat theorems can no doubt quickly
degenerate into a silly vice, but so can the quest for austere
generalities which are so very general indeed that they are incapable
of application to any particular. -- Eric Temple Bell, Mathematician

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