On Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 09:26:09AM -0500, Alejandro Lopez-Valencia wrote:
>CG Faylor scribbled on Monday, February 23, 2004 9:19 AM:
>>I am going to contact our legal staff about gnupg.
>The legal status of openssh, openssl, libcrypt and whatnot with respect
>to present-day US ITAR regulations need to be checked in for legal
>issues as well (this would break a helluva number of packages, btw).

We had to get legal approval for those before we included them in the
original cygwin net distribution.

As I said in other email, I haven't been paying as close attention as
I should have been for other encrypting packages.

We'll see if our legal staff has the cycles to deal with this issue now.
I'd hoped to avoid burning their time with cygwin issues but now it
can't be helped.


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