I've been rewriting cygwin-doc's postinstall to remove the
bash-specific syntax and came up with this script 
to take care of removing (possibly stale) preformatted man
pages. I was thinking that this is a possible problem for
any packages that include man pages, and so maybe it would
be best to come up with something like _update_info_dir.
Unfortunately it would be complicated, unless we did something
like "remove all preformatted pages after any update",
or somehow kept a list of updated packages to zgrep for man

Anyway here is the script for anyone with man pages:

for LOC in /usr/man/cat /usr/share/man/cat /var/cache/man/cat; do
  if [ -d ${LOC}1 -o -d ${LOC}3  ]; then
    # should be only one catdir, so this should only happen once
    for PAGE in $(/bin/zgrep 'man' /etc/setup/${PACKAGE}.lst.gz |\
                 /bin/sed -e 's;^usr/share/man/man;;'); do
      if [ -f ${LOC}${PAGE} ]; then
        /bin/rm -f ${LOC}${PAGE}
exit 0

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