On Wed, Mar 10, 2004 at 12:17:30AM -0500, Mark Blackburn wrote:
>Mark Blackburn wrote:
>>I tried compiling coreutils-5.2.0 and I didn't see many problems with 
>>that. Another problem I see is that coreutils will cause conflicts 
>>with other packages: textutils, sh-utils and fileutils. Obviously 
>>coreutils is intended to replace these packages so these packages 
>>would need to be withdrawn if coreutils was included with cygwin.
>Feel free to ignore this posting.
>I didn't search the archives for coreutils before sending this message 
>(sorry). I was mainly looking for confirmation that coreutils was 
>intended to replace all three of the *utils packages and it's obvious 
>from the archives that this is the case.
>I'll research the archives more thoroughly before posting about 
>coreutils again.

Not to be too pedantic or anything (but when did that ever stop me) but
the only applicable message about coreutils in cygwin-apps is really an
ITP.  Anything else is off-topic since coreutils isn't currently a
cygwin package.

I'll gladly waive the moratorium for a new coreutils package.


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