Oops. Instead of deleting the old -8 package I deleted the new -9 package. That left -8 without a matching -8 man-src package. Fixed now.


Christopher Faylor wrote:
----- Forwarded message from Cron Daemon -----

From: (Cron Daemon)
To: cgf
Subject: Cron cd /sourceware/ftp/anonftp/pub/cygwin; 
/sourceware/infra/bin/cygwin/upset -C -u setup.ini; /usr/local/bin/upx -q -q -q 
setup.exe || exit 0
Date: 28 Mar 2004 22:20:10 -0000

upset: *** warning package XFree86-html refers to non-existent external-source: XFree86-man

----- End forwarded message -----

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