This is a test package for the current upstream version.
*ATTENTION* LessTif 0.93.94 (also a test version) *is* required!!

Erm... why did you then remove lesstif from the "requires" line?!?
*blush* I didn't remove it, it was already missing in the old releases.
(But it is linked in statically in 5.1.12-1)


New setup.hint:
sdesc: "A WYSIWYG 2D plotting tool for the X Window System and M*tif."
ldesc: "Grace is a WYSIWYG tool to make two-dimensional plots of numerical data.
It runs under various (if not all) flavors of Unix with X11 and M*tif
(LessTif or Motif). Its capabilities are roughly similar to GUI-based
programs like Sigmaplot or Microcal Origin plus script-based tools like
Gnuplot or Genplot. Its strength lies in the fact that it combines the
convenience of a graphical user interface with the power of a scripting
language which enables it to do sophisticated calculations or perform
automated tasks."
curr: 5.1.12-1
test: 5.1.14-2
category: X11
requires: cygwin xorg-x11-base lesstif jpeg libpng12 XmHTML


PGP/GPG key  (ID: 0x9F8A785D)  available  from
key-fingerprint 550D F17E B082 A3E9 F913  9E53 3D35 C9BA 9F8A 785D

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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