On Wed, Jun 09, 2004 at 12:32:12PM +0200, Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
>More ITPs to follow.  Looking also for helpers.  Target is to get all
>(or most) base libraries into the net release so one could try to build
>GUI applications that don't need a full blown GNOME desktop (e.g.
>Abiword, DIA, GIMP, Gnucash, Gnumeric, Sketch, Sodipodi from
>www.gnome.org/gnome-office/ or wvWare, Inkscape, Gnofract 4D,
>Conglomerate, GtkAda, Terraform, Bluefish to mention just a few;) and on
>the long end, to get a full blown Gnome desktop for Cygwin.

I thought that is where you were going with this.  Please consider
yourself +1'ed for any of these packages that I haven't voted on

>What is still missing is the base of most of these packages, glib/gtk+,
>I've already finished the build of glib-2.4.2 but atk, pango, gtk+ are
>pending.  I'll ITP these all together.  Good news is, glib builds with
>minor tweaks and all tests but one are passing (including all threads
>tests, the test that fails is based on fork() and I guess there is some
>problem with the test, but not with glib or cygwin).
>Should I send also a call for maintainers / contributors to the main

Yes, please.


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