Max schrieb:

> Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
>> Hallo Max,
>> Am Freitag, 25. Juni 2004 um 15:58 schriebst du:
>>> libxml2 is marked as depending on python.
>>> However, it is perfectly possible to use the libxml2 dll from C code
>>> without python.
>>> Yes, the libxml2 package does also include some python stuff, but
>>> it shouldn't force python to be installed.

>> We should have a global rule for those issues.  It would be perfect
>> if I could remove those kind of dependencies, e.g. it would be
>> possible to include plugins for programs that are not available via
>> the cygwin mirrors, i.e. I think of perl modules like e.g DBD::MySql
>> or DBD::Oracle (which would be nice to have).

> I don't understand what you are talking about?

> I'm not talking about any dependencies not on the cygwin mirrors -
> all I'm saying is that libxml2 does not depend on python, but
> currently lists python in its "requires:" line, which should therefore
> be removed. 

It lists python as dependencies because there are binaries included
which require python.  Maybe a better solution would be to put the
python module into a separate package instead of simply dropping the


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