Hallo Reini,

> # hmm, sablotron missing...

I have it online. http://anfaenger.de/cygwin/Sablotron

There is a java-script version (Spidermonkey needed) and another
without js.  http://anfaenger.de/js/

> # this will fail after building the lo's. this is ok
> # I just didn't grok how to create the lo's more easily
> make 2>&1 | tee .build/log.make

I have this hacked so everything is compiled with libtool.

See my status:

I'm making progress with the libtool build.  There are some dependencies
between modules: dom, pcre, session, xml, zlib needs to be included in 
the DLL and cannot be compiled as shared extensions, also using the 
system pcre lib fails for me, I think that here also the configury
fails to detect s.th. and so COMPILE_DL_PCRE remains undefined, so I
suggest to track this down and build pcre shared instead static.
There are libraries missing at some LIBADD defines, e.g. -liconv for
xmlrpc to mention just one. 

My layout is now:

- All goes into the main DLL (core, default set of built-in extension 
and some of the optional extension which are needed here because other 
extensions are depending on them)

- CGI and CLI common files: getopt & internal_functions(_cli) are going
into the DLL as well.  Objetcs remaining for CLI & CGI are the main
program files sapi/cgi/cgi_main.lo & sapi/cli/php_cli.lo

- shared extensions which I was able to build:
$(phplibdir)/openssl.la $(phplibdir)/bcmath.la $(phplibdir)/bz2.la
$(phplibdir)/calendar.la $(phplibdir)/ctype.la $(phplibdir)/curl.la
$(phplibdir)/dba.la $(phplibdir)/dbase.la $(phplibdir)/dbx.la
$(phplibdir)/dio.la $(phplibdir)/exif.la $(phplibdir)/ftp.la
$(phplibdir)/gd.la $(phplibdir)/gettext.la $(phplibdir)/gmp.la
$(phplibdir)/iconv.la $(phplibdir)/mbstring.la $(phplibdir)/mcrypt.la 
$(phplibdir)/mhash.la $(phplibdir)/mysql.la $(phplibdir)/ncurses.la
$(phplibdir)/pgsql.la $(phplibdir)/posix.la $(phplibdir)/pspell.la
$(phplibdir)/readline.la $(phplibdir)/shmop.la $(phplibdir)/simplexml.la
$(phplibdir)/soap.la $(phplibdir)/sockets.la $(phplibdir)/sqlite.la
$(phplibdir)/tidy.la $(phplibdir)/tokenizer.la $(phplibdir)/wddx.la
$(phplibdir)/xmlrpc.la $(phplibdir)/xsl.la

What issues are handled:
The attached patch should handle the addition of libphp5 to all the 
shared extension link commands.

What is not handled yet:
I need to modify the generated Makefile manually because the getopt
and main_internal objects are both included into the CLI && CGI exes,
but they are needed in other parts as well, so they need to be in
the DLL instead of the exe and then they are needed only once (that
means don't include getopt.lo twice;)

Also not yet handled:
Apache, LDAP, IMAP, CPDF (there is a B20 port from Stipe, he must have  
ported it when he was 13 years old;), MNOGOSEARCH, SNMP, SPL (broken?),
SYSVxyz (is it working?), YP, PCNTL (broken?).

Reini, where do I need to put a php.ini file and what do I need to
write in it to see if the CLI is able to load all the shared



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