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Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
| I nearly have it all compiled now, still missing the READMEs though.
| The desktop is running, but I need to use my modified ORBit2 build to
| get non crashing executables.

I tried ORBit2 again with libtool-1.5.10 w/o your patches, and it still
wouldn't work; so I used your patch and made packages, could you test them?


If they work for you, they can be uploaded as current packages; the
setup.hint files should be uploaded too, as it's now dependent on
libintl3 and minires.

| Have you fetched the packages from my box and tested the desktop
| already: ?
| $ ls  /var/www/lighttpddocs/cygwin/test/
| GConf-         inkscape-0.39-1.tar.bz2
| GConf-             inkscape-0.39.tar.bz2
| ORBit2-2.12.0-1-src.tar.bz2         libIDL-0.8.4-1-src.tar.bz2
| ORBit2-2.12.0-1.tar.bz2             libIDL-0.8.4-1.tar.bz2
| ORBit2-devel-2.12.0-1.tar.bz2       libbonobo-2.8.0-1-src.tar.bz2
| bug-buddy-2.8.0-1-src.tar.bz2       libbonobo-2.8.0-1.tar.bz2
| bug-buddy-2.8.0-1.tar.bz2           libbonobo-devel-2.8.0-1.tar.bz2
| control-center-2.8.0-1-src.tar.bz2  libbonobo-doc-2.8.0-1.tar.bz2
| control-center-2.8.0-1.tar.bz2      libbonobo2-2.8.0-1.tar.bz2
| eel-2.8.0-1-src.tar.bz2             libbonoboui-2.8.0-1-src.tar.bz2
| eel-2.8.0-1.tar.bz2                 libbonoboui-2.8.0-1.tar.bz2
| gail-1.8.0-1-src.tar.bz2            libcroco-0.6.0-1-src.tar.bz2
| gail-1.8.0-1.tar.bz2                libcroco-0.6.0-1.tar.bz2
| gnome-applets-2.8.0-1-src.tar.bz2   libgnome-2.8.0-1-src.tar.bz2
| gnome-applets-2.8.0-1.tar.bz2       libgnome-2.8.0-1.tar.bz2
| gnome-desktop-2.8.0-1-src.tar.bz2   libgnomeui-2.8.0-1-src.tar.bz2
| gnome-desktop-2.8.0-1.tar.bz2       libgnomeui-2.8.0-1.tar.bz2
| gnome-keyring-0.4.0-1-src.tar.bz2   libgsf-1.10.1-1-src.tar.bz2
| gnome-keyring-0.4.0-1.tar.bz2       libgsf-1.10.1-1.tar.bz2
| gnome-panel-2.8.0-1-src.tar.bz2     libgtop-2.8.0-1-src.tar.bz2
| gnome-panel-2.8.0-1.tar.bz2         libgtop-2.8.0-1.tar.bz2
| gnome-session-2.8.0-1-src.tar.bz2   librsvg-2.8.1-1-src.tar.bz2
| gnome-session-2.8.0-1.tar.bz2       librsvg-2.8.1-1.tar.bz2
| gnome-startup-scripts.tar.bz2       libsoup-2.2.0-1-src.tar.bz2
| gnome-terminal-2.7.3-1-src.tar.bz2  libsoup-2.2.0-1.tar.bz2
| gnome-terminal-2.7.3-1.tar.bz2      libxklavier-1.02-1-src.tar.bz2
| gnome-vfs-2.8.0-1-src.tar.bz2       libxklavier-1.02-1.tar.bz2
| gnome-vfs-2.8.0-1.tar.bz2           metacity-2.8.5-1-src.tar.bz2
| gtk-engines-2.2.0-1-src.tar.bz2     metacity-2.8.5-1.tar.bz2
| gtk-engines-2.2.0-1.tar.bz2         nautilus-2.8.0-1-src.tar.bz2
| gtk2-x11-2.4.10-1-src.tar.bz2       nautilus-2.8.0-1.tar.bz2
| gtk2-x11-2.4.10-1.tar.bz2           vte-0.11.11-1-src.tar.bz2
| gtk2-x11-devel-2.4.10-1.tar.bz2     vte-0.11.11-1.tar.bz2
| gtk2-x11-doc-2.4.10-1.tar.bz2       xml2po-1.0.8-1-src.tar.bz2
| gtk2-x11-runtime-2.4.10-1.tar.bz2   xml2po-1.0.8-1.tar.bz2
| gtkhtml-3.2.2-1-src.tar.bz2         yelp-2.6.3-1-src.tar.bz2
| gtkhtml-3.2.2-1.tar.bz2             yelp-2.6.3-1.tar.bz2

Again, libIDL does NOT need to be updated; the only change in 0.8.4 is
to fix the underquoting in libIDL.m4, and I rolled this patch in 0.8.3-2.

In addition, I already have built the following for GNOME 2.8 (besides
the pending ITPs), although not everything is uploaded yet:

gtk-engines  (this should really be called gtk2-engines, since the 1.2
~              and 2.x engines install in parallel)
libgda2  (1.0.6; there will soon be a 1.2.0)
libgnomeprint22 (w/o libgnomecups, would it even work on Cygwin?)

Plus, a few other packages not part of the official GNOME project:


Then the bindings:

C++ (stable branch):  libsigc++ (1.2 and 2.0), glibmm24, gtkmm24,
libglademm24 libgnomecanvasmm26, libxml++26.

perl:  Glib, Gnome2-Canvas, Gnome2-Print, Gnome2-Rsvg, Gnome2-Vte,
Gnome2-Wnck, Gtk2, Gtk2-GLExt, Gtk2-GladeXML, Gtk2-Html2, Gtk2-Spell,
Gtk2-TrayIcon  (I'm the gtk2-perl project's Cygwin specialist, apparently)

python:  pygtk2, pyorbit, pygtkglext, pygtkspell

ruby:  ruby-gnome2

tcl:  gnocl

| Currently I'm building evolution-data-server and I have the list
| through up to bug-buddy, next are (still a long way to the end):

| I have gzipped the startup scripts I'm currently using, modified
| version from cygnome: gnome-startup, extract them from the cygwin
| root :
| If you can run the desktop with your and my binaries too, then I
| suggest to upload a first test release.

So it looks like we have some more duplication of effort.  How do you
want to divide this up so that we don't keep doing this?  And do you
want to take all the packages up to where you're holding now, and what
should we do with packages that we both have built?

If you'd like to take the whole thing by yourself, by all means -- I
could focus on bindings and some other non-core packages in that case.

| Other testers are welcome too, of course.

Some more help with this would be nice, as long as we are coordinated.
There's no point in a bunch of people trying to build the same packages
at once.

| We should find a volunteer to maintain all the GTKmm stuff.

As I mentioned, I've built the packages that I have the C libs for, most
of the rest I think are still unstable (2.5 branch).

Yaakov -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Cygwin) Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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