As we discussed a day or two ago, here is a patch that cleans up the
following aspects of the generic build script (today's CVS version):

- Invokes the shell by /bin/sh -e.

- Removes the many superfluous &&'s,  ;'s, and \'s between commands and
at end of lines.

- Removes all of the $STATUS junk at the end.  There's no more need for
this, since with -e the script will fail when any subcommand fails.

- Replaces all instances of 'if [ ! -d xxx ] ; then mkdir -p xxx ; fi'
with just 'mkdir -p xxx'.  The second form is equivalent but simpler.

- Adds -r to every invocation of xargs.  In every case this is desirable
and will prevent errors in null cases.

With /bin/sh -e, one has to be careful about trapping unwanted non-zero
exit statuses.  The only place I found where this was an issue was in
mkpatch(), because diff has an exit status of 1 if it finds differences.
Because of this I added '|| true' after the diff command.  One could be
fussier here and check for an exit status of 1 (which is okay) or 2
(which is an error), but I didn't bother.  I removed all other instances
of trailing 'true's from the script.

I've tested the revised gbs by building three different packages, and
tested each operation at least once.  I had no problems.


--- generic-build-script.orig  2004-10-15 13:48:32.000000000 -0400
+++ generic-build-script    2004-10-15 16:54:26.000000000 -0400
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
 # Generic package build script
@@ -123,25 +123,23 @@
 unpack() {
   tar xv${opt_decomp}f "$1"
 mkdirs() {
-  (cd ${topdir} && \
-  rm -fr ${objdir} ${instdir} ${srcinstdir} && \
-  mkdir -p ${objdir} && \
-  mkdir -p ${instdir} && \
+  (cd ${topdir}
+  rm -fr ${objdir} ${instdir} ${srcinstdir}
+  mkdir -p ${objdir}
+  mkdir -p ${instdir}
   mkdir -p ${srcinstdir} )
 prep() {
-  (cd ${topdir} && \
-  unpack ${src_orig_pkg} && \
-  cd ${topdir} && \
-  if [ -f ${src_patch} ] ; then \
-    patch -Z -p0 < ${src_patch} ;\
-  fi && \
+  (cd ${topdir}
+  unpack ${src_orig_pkg}
+  if [ -f ${src_patch} ] ; then
+    patch -Z -p0 < ${src_patch}
+  fi
   mkdirs )
 conf() {
-  (cd ${objdir} && \
+  (cd ${objdir}
   ${srcdir}/configure \
   --srcdir=${srcdir} --prefix="${prefix}" \
@@ -152,115 +150,100 @@
   --datadir='${prefix}/share' )
 reconf() {
-  (cd ${topdir} && \
-  rm -fr ${objdir} && \
-  mkdir -p ${objdir} && \
+  (cd ${topdir}
+  rm -fr ${objdir}
+  mkdir -p ${objdir}
   conf )
 build() {
-  (cd ${objdir} && \
+  (cd ${objdir}
   CFLAGS="${MY_CFLAGS}" make )
 check() {
-  (cd ${objdir} && \
+  (cd ${objdir}
   make ${test_rule} | tee ${checkfile} 2>&1 )
 clean() {
-  (cd ${objdir} && \
+  (cd ${objdir}
   make clean )
 install() {
-  (cd ${objdir} && \
-  rm -fr ${instdir}/* && \
-  make install DESTDIR=${instdir} && \
-  for f in ${prefix}/share/info/dir ${prefix}/info/dir ; do \
-    if [ -f ${instdir}${f} ] ; then \
-      rm -f ${instdir}${f} ; \
-    fi ;\
-  done &&\
-  for d in ${prefix}/share/doc/${BASEPKG} ${prefix}/share/doc/Cygwin ;
do \
-    if [ ! -d ${instdir}${d} ] ; then \
-      mkdir -p ${instdir}${d} ;\
-    fi ;\
-  done &&\
-  if [ -d ${instdir}${prefix}/share/info ] ; then \
-    find ${instdir}${prefix}/share/info -name "*.info" | xargs -r gzip
-q ; \
-  fi && \
-  if [ -d ${instdir}${prefix}/share/man ] ; then \
+  (cd ${objdir}
+  rm -fr ${instdir}/*
+  make install DESTDIR=${instdir}
+  for f in ${prefix}/share/info/dir ${prefix}/info/dir ; do
+    if [ -f ${instdir}${f} ] ; then
+      rm -f ${instdir}${f}
+    fi
+  done
+  mkdir -p ${instdir}${prefix}/share/doc/${BASEPKG}
+  if [ -d ${instdir}${prefix}/share/info ] ; then
+    find ${instdir}${prefix}/share/info -name "*.info" | xargs -r gzip
+  fi
+  if [ -d ${instdir}${prefix}/share/man ] ; then
     find ${instdir}${prefix}/share/man -name "*.1" -o -name "*.3" -o \
       -name "*.3x" -o -name "*.3pm" -o -name "*.5" -o -name "*.6" -o \
-      -name "*.7" -o -name "*.8" | xargs gzip -q ; \
-  fi && \
-  templist="" && \
-  for fp in ${install_docs} ; do \
-    for f in ${srcdir}/$fp ; do \
-      if [ -f $f ] ; then \
-        templist="$templist $f"; \
-      fi ; \
-    done ; \
-  done && \
-  if [ ! "x$templist" = "x" ]; then \
+      -name "*.7" -o -name "*.8" | xargs -r gzip -q
+  fi
+  templist=""
+  for fp in ${install_docs} ; do
+    for f in ${srcdir}/$fp ; do
+      if [ -f $f ] ; then
+        templist="$templist $f"
+      fi
+    done
+  done
+  if [ ! "x$templist" = "x" ]; then
     /usr/bin/install -m 644 $templist \
-         ${instdir}${prefix}/share/doc/${BASEPKG} ; \
-  fi && \
-  if [ -f ${srcdir}/CYGWIN-PATCHES/${PKG}.README ]; then \
+         ${instdir}${prefix}/share/doc/${BASEPKG}
+  fi
+  if [ -f ${srcdir}/CYGWIN-PATCHES/${PKG}.README ]; then
     /usr/bin/install -m 644 ${srcdir}/CYGWIN-PATCHES/${PKG}.README \
-      ${instdir}${prefix}/share/doc/Cygwin/${BASEPKG}.README ; \
-  elif [ -f ${srcdir}/CYGWIN-PATCHES/README ] ; then \
+      ${instdir}${prefix}/share/doc/Cygwin/${BASEPKG}.README
+  elif [ -f ${srcdir}/CYGWIN-PATCHES/README ] ; then
     /usr/bin/install -m 644 ${srcdir}/CYGWIN-PATCHES/README \
-      ${instdir}${prefix}/share/doc/Cygwin/${BASEPKG}.README ; \
-  fi && \
-  if [ -f ${srcdir}/CYGWIN-PATCHES/${PKG}.sh ] ; then \
-    if [ ! -d ${instdir}${sysconfdir}/postinstall ]; then \
-      mkdir -p ${instdir}${sysconfdir}/postinstall ; \
-    fi && \
+      ${instdir}${prefix}/share/doc/Cygwin/${BASEPKG}.README
+  fi
+  if [ -f ${srcdir}/CYGWIN-PATCHES/${PKG}.sh ] ; then
+    mkdir -p ${instdir}${sysconfdir}/postinstall
     /usr/bin/install -m 755 ${srcdir}/CYGWIN-PATCHES/${PKG}.sh \
-      ${instdir}${sysconfdir}/postinstall/${PKG}.sh ; \
-  elif [ -f ${srcdir}/CYGWIN-PATCHES/ ] ; then \
-    if [ ! -d ${instdir}${sysconfdir}/postinstall ]; then \
-      mkdir -p ${instdir}${sysconfdir}/postinstall ; \
-    fi && \
+      ${instdir}${sysconfdir}/postinstall/${PKG}.sh
+  elif [ -f ${srcdir}/CYGWIN-PATCHES/ ] ; then
+    mkdir -p ${instdir}${sysconfdir}/postinstall
     /usr/bin/install -m 755 ${srcdir}/CYGWIN-PATCHES/ \
-      ${instdir}${sysconfdir}/postinstall/${PKG}.sh ; \
-  fi && \
-  if [ -f ${srcdir}/CYGWIN-PATCHES/ ] ; then \
-    if [ ! -d ${instdir}${sysconfdir}/preremove ]; then \
-      mkdir -p ${instdir}${sysconfdir}/preremove ; \
-    fi && \
+      ${instdir}${sysconfdir}/postinstall/${PKG}.sh
+  fi
+  if [ -f ${srcdir}/CYGWIN-PATCHES/ ] ; then
+    mkdir -p ${instdir}${sysconfdir}/preremove
     /usr/bin/install -m 755 ${srcdir}/CYGWIN-PATCHES/ \
-      ${instdir}${sysconfdir}/preremove/${PKG}.sh ; \
+      ${instdir}${sysconfdir}/preremove/${PKG}.sh
   fi )
 strip() {
-  (cd ${instdir} && \
-  find . -name "*.dll" -or -name "*.exe" | xargs strip 2>&1 ; \
-  true )
+  find ${instdir} -name "*.dll" -or -name "*.exe" | xargs -r strip
 list() {
-  (cd ${instdir} && \
-  find . -name "*" ! -type d | sed 's%^\.%  %' ; \
-  true )
+  (cd ${instdir}
+  find . ! -type d | sed 's%^\.%  %' | sort )
 depend() {
-  (cd ${instdir} && \
-  find ${instdir} -name "*.exe" -o -name "*.dll" | xargs cygcheck | \
-  sed -e '/\.exe/d' -e 's,\\,/,g' | sort -bu | xargs -n1 cygpath -u \
-  | xargs cygcheck -f | sed 's%^%  %' | sort -u ; \
-  true )
+  (cd ${instdir}
+  find . -name "*.exe" -o -name "*.dll" | xargs -r cygcheck \
+  | sed -e '/\.exe/d' -e 's,\\,/,g' | sort -bu | xargs -r -n1 cygpath
-u \
+  | xargs -r cygcheck -f | sed 's%^%  %' | sort -u )
 pkg() {
-  (cd ${instdir} && \
+  (cd ${instdir}
   tar cvjf ${bin_pkg} * )
 mkpatch() {
-  (cd ${srcdir} && \
-  find . -name "autom4te.cache" | xargs rm -rf ; \
-  unpack ${src_orig_pkg} && \
-  mv ${BASEPKG} ../${BASEPKG}-orig && \
-  cd ${topdir} && \
+  (cd ${srcdir}
+  find . -name "autom4te.cache" | xargs -r rm -rf
+  unpack ${src_orig_pkg}
+  mv ${BASEPKG} ../${BASEPKG}-orig
+  cd ${topdir}
   diff -urN -x '.build' -x '.inst' -x '.sinst' \
-    ${BASEPKG}-orig ${BASEPKG} > \
-    ${srcinstdir}/${src_patch_name} ; \
+    ${BASEPKG}-orig ${BASEPKG} > ${srcinstdir}/${src_patch_name} ||
   rm -rf ${BASEPKG}-orig )
 # Note: maintainer-only functionality
@@ -268,91 +251,84 @@
   cp --backup=numbered ${srcinstdir}/${src_patch_name} ${topdir}
 spkg() {
-  (mkpatch && \
-  if [ "${SIG}" -eq 1 ] ; then \
-    name=${srcinstdir}/${src_patch_name} text="PATCH" sigfile ; \
-  fi && \
-  cp ${src_orig_pkg} ${srcinstdir}/${src_orig_pkg_name} && \
-  if [ -e ${src_orig_pkg}.sig ] ; then \
-    cp ${src_orig_pkg}.sig ${srcinstdir}/ ; \
-  fi && \
-  cp $0 ${srcinstdir}/`basename $0` && \
-  name=$0 text="SCRIPT" sigfile && \
-  if [ "${SIG}" -eq 1 ] ; then \
-    cp $0.sig ${srcinstdir}/ ; \
-  fi && \
-  cd ${srcinstdir} && \
+  (mkpatch
+  if [ "${SIG}" -eq 1 ] ; then
+    name=${srcinstdir}/${src_patch_name} text="PATCH" sigfile
+  fi
+  cp ${src_orig_pkg} ${srcinstdir}/${src_orig_pkg_name}
+  if [ -e ${src_orig_pkg}.sig ] ; then
+    cp ${src_orig_pkg}.sig ${srcinstdir}
+  fi
+  cp $0 ${srcinstdir}/`basename $0`
+  name=$0 text="SCRIPT" sigfile
+  if [ "${SIG}" -eq 1 ] ; then
+    cp $0.sig ${srcinstdir}
+  fi
+  cd ${srcinstdir}
   tar cvjf ${src_pkg} * )
 finish() {
   rm -rf ${srcdir}
 sigfile() {
-  if [ \( "${SIG}" -eq 1 \) -a \( -e $name \) -a \( \( ! -e $name.sig
\) -o \( $name -nt $name.sig \) \) ]; then \
-    if [ -x /usr/bin/gpg ]; then \
-      echo "$text signature need to be updated"; \
-      rm -f $name.sig; \
-      /usr/bin/gpg --detach-sign $name; \
-    else \
-      echo "You need the gnupg package installed in order to make
signatures."; \
-    fi; \
+  if [ \( "${SIG}" -eq 1 \) -a \( -e $name \) -a \( \( ! -e $name.sig
\) -o \( $name -nt $name.sig \) \) ]; then
+    if [ -x /usr/bin/gpg ]; then
+      echo "$text signature need to be updated"
+      rm -f $name.sig
+      /usr/bin/gpg --detach-sign $name
+    else
+      echo "You need the gnupg package installed in order to make
+    fi
 checksig() {
-  if [ -x /usr/bin/gpg ]; then \
-    if [ -e ${src_orig_pkg}.sig ]; then \
-      echo "ORIGINAL PACKAGE signature follows:"; \
-      /usr/bin/gpg --verify ${src_orig_pkg}.sig ${src_orig_pkg}; \
-    else \
-      echo "ORIGINAL PACKAGE signature missing."; \
-    fi; \
-    if [ -e $0.sig ]; then \
-      echo "SCRIPT signature follows:"; \
-      /usr/bin/gpg --verify $0.sig $0; \
-    else \
-      echo "SCRIPT signature missing."; \
-    fi; \
-    if [ -e ${src_patch}.sig ]; then \
-      echo "PATCH signature follows:"; \
-      /usr/bin/gpg --verify ${src_patch}.sig ${src_patch}; \
-    else \
-      echo "PATCH signature missing."; \
-    fi; \
+  if [ -x /usr/bin/gpg ]; then
+    if [ -e ${src_orig_pkg}.sig ]; then
+      echo "ORIGINAL PACKAGE signature follows:"
+      /usr/bin/gpg --verify ${src_orig_pkg}.sig ${src_orig_pkg}
-    echo "You need the gnupg package installed in order to check
signatures." ; \
+      echo "ORIGINAL PACKAGE signature missing."
+    fi
+    if [ -e $0.sig ]; then
+      echo "SCRIPT signature follows:"
+      /usr/bin/gpg --verify $0.sig $0
+    else
+      echo "SCRIPT signature missing."
+    fi
+    if [ -e ${src_patch}.sig ]; then
+      echo "PATCH signature follows:"
+      /usr/bin/gpg --verify ${src_patch}.sig ${src_patch}
+    else
+      echo "PATCH signature missing."
+    fi
+  else
+    echo "You need the gnupg package installed in order to check
 while test -n "$1" ; do
   case $1 in
-    prep)       prep ; STATUS=$? ;;
-    mkdirs)     mkdirs ; STATUS=$? ;;
-    conf)       conf ; STATUS=$? ;;
-    configure)      conf ; STATUS=$? ;;
-    reconf)     reconf ; STATUS=$? ;;
-    build)      build ; STATUS=$? ;;
-    make)       build ; STATUS=$? ;;
-    check)      check ; STATUS=$? ;;
-    test)       check ; STATUS=$? ;;
-    clean)      clean ; STATUS=$? ;;
-    install)    install ; STATUS=$? ;;
-    list)       list ; STATUS=$? ;;
-    depend)     depend ; STATUS=$? ;;
-    strip)      strip ; STATUS=$? ;;
-    package)    pkg ; STATUS=$? ;;
-    pkg)     pkg ; STATUS=$? ;;
-    mkpatch)    mkpatch ; STATUS=$? ;;
-    acceptpatch)    acceptpatch ; STATUS=$? ;;
-    src-package)    spkg ; STATUS=$? ;;
-    spkg)       spkg ; STATUS=$? ;;
-    finish)     finish ; STATUS=$? ;;
-    checksig)       checksig ; STATUS=$? ;;
-    first)      mkdirs && spkg && finish ; STATUS=$? ;;
-    all)     checksig && prep && conf && build && install && \
-         strip && pkg && spkg && finish ; \
-         STATUS=$? ;;
+    prep)       prep ;;
+    mkdirs)     mkdirs ;;
+    conf|configure) conf ;;
+    reconf)     reconf ;;
+    build|make) build ;;
+    check|test) check ;;
+    clean)      clean ;;
+    install)    install ;;
+    list)       list ;;
+    depend)     depend ;;
+    strip)      strip ;;
+    package|pkg)    pkg ;;
+    mkpatch)    mkpatch ;;
+    acceptpatch)    acceptpatch ;;
+    src-package|spkg)  spkg ;;
+    finish)     finish ;;
+    checksig)       checksig ;;
+    first)      mkdirs ; spkg ; finish ;;
+    all)     checksig ; prep ; conf ; build ; install ;
+         strip ; pkg ; spkg ; finish ;;
     *) echo "Error: bad arguments" ; exit 1 ;;
-  ( exit ${STATUS} ) || exit ${STATUS}

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