On Tue, Apr 12, 2005 at 01:39:12PM -0700, Hans W. Horn wrote:
>btw. quoting http://cygwin.com/setup.html:
>Submitting a package
>7. So you've got a package you want to submit. Follow the following 
>checklist before emailing cygwin-apps@cygwin.com and you'll almost 
>certainly save time.
>Announce on cygwin-apps@cygwin.com that you have the package ready for 
>uploading. Add the URLs to all package files to your mail or, if you can't 
>provide it on a web page, someone with upload privileges will contact you 
>to get access to the package files to upload them to sourceware.org for you.
>If the above is not true, then it should be corrected, shouldn't it?

I changed the documentation.


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