On Sep 18 11:12, John Morrison wrote:
> On Sat, September 17, 2005 2:35 pm, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > I'm wondering if base-files can't check if /etc/profile has been changed,
> > for instance, using md5sum.  Then it could overwrite the file if it's
> > still
> > the original version, or, if it has been changed, move it away to, for
> > instance, /etc/profile.SAV or something.
> The preremove part of base-files could be modified to rename any of the
> files that have been modified (if they haven't then they are deleted ready
> for the post-install routine to install new versions) - although I don't
> know if it's desirable behaviour.  I'm not sure if I'd be terribly happy
> to have cygwin just rename my customisations out of the way, would be
> *highly* confusing the first (at least!) time it happened...

That shouldn't be the rule, maybe.  But our current layoput has the
obvious disadvantage that important changes to default config files
in a lot of cases don't make it into the users system in some way.
In rpm, there's a mechanism which allows the package maintainer to
define the changes as so important, that rpm moves the old file out
of the way (renaimg it to foo.oldrpm or something like that),
installs the new file and sends a mail to root about this.  Something
like this is definitely missing in our technique, that's why I was
trying to start a discussion about this.

OTOH, I guess there are a lots of people not changing the files in
/etc, using always the default files.  In these cases, a mechanism
which allows to recognize these files as being the genuin one would
be helpful, wouldn't it?  It would allow to simply overwrite them,
so the users would get the latest changes without hassle.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat, Inc.

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