"Dave Korn" <dave.korn-RQamRl9Jd2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 20 February 2006 10:02, Dr. Volker Zell wrote:
>> By the way if this gets all the needed votes, the package is GTG. Nothing
>> to build but packaging looks good.
> Hmm, I had to install cygbuild 

That is not a requirement. Only if you intend to start porting source
packages. The included *.sh is self hosting to build the binaries.

> before I could build it from source, which
> seems a bit OTT just for installing a shell script!  

It's a build system; automatic (like RPM or DEB), so it's different
from g-b-s.

> And I get this error
> which I think means it can't set DESTDIR right, so the install doesn't work.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /artimi/cyg-test-gt5/test> ./gt5-1.3-1.sh -v install

Hm, you want to use command "all". See the help page

   ./gt5-1.3-1.sh -h

> -- Cygbuild 2006-02-17 1.832 http://cygbuild.sourceforge.net/
> -- [INFO] Clearing environment flags that may interfere compiling
> -- Install command
> --   Emptying /artimi/cyg-test-gt5/test/gt5-1.3/.inst
> --   Installing docs to
> /artimi/cyg-test-gt5/test/gt5-1.3/.inst/usr/share/doc/gt
> 5-1.3
> --   Running install to /artimi/cyg-test-gt5/test/gt5-1.3/.inst
> --   Running 'make install' (or equiv.) in
> /artimi/cyg-test-gt5/test/gt5-1.3/.bu
> ild/build
> Undefined subroutine &main::SetDebug called at -e line 1.

The individual commands must be run in specific order in order to
prepare the build (cf. -h option).

I'll add more error checking to prevent direct invocation of install
if the preliminary steps are not done.


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