Yaakov S (Cygwin Ports) wrote:
I have been working on packaging the new, modular X11R7.0 for Cygwin for the last few weeks. There's still a few dozen packages left, but the time has come to deal with handling some of the issues involved in this transition.

You rock.

a) /usr/bin/{c,s}xpm.exe and /usr/share/man/man1/{c,s}xpm.1 will collide with those provided by libXpm. These should have -noX appended to their names.


b) what is the purpose of /usr/bin/cygXpm-X4.dll?

backwards compatibility. In the depths of time, my xpm package provided both X and non-X xpm support. Then when the cygwin-x team released a version of XFree86 based on the XFree86-4.0 code (~2001) we had a problem: xpm was officially merged into the XFree86-4.0 codebase and the cygwin-x team provided an X-xpm DLL and import lib.

Long story short, the cygwin-x team's version became the official way to get X-based XPM support; my X- DLL was left just in case some apps still needed it -- but my import library was removed. Thus, any apps compiled after that point, using X, and XPM, would get the cygwin-x XPM DLL and would no longer need mine.

It's been years (at least 5) since an import library for this DLL existed, so I doubt any app out there uses it, except some really old pre-compiled XEmacs binaries or Open-DX binaries that were NOT part of cygwin's setup.exe-installable packageset. Even worse, cygXpm-X4.dll depends on the X11 DLLs in the XFree86-lib-compat package.

But after 5 years, I think we can get rid of it.

BTW, my version of sxpm DOES use my cygXpm-X4.dll; without using libW11 or something similar, sxpm can't work in non-X mode. I'll just remove it from xpm-nox. cxpm uses noX, so I'll rename my version as you suggested.


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