On Mon, Jan 21, 2008 at 02:38:35AM +0100, Vincent Privat wrote:
>I made a small patch to setup.exe. It adds the following command line argument:
>-p --proxy HTTP/FTP proxy (host:port)


>The only modified file is net.cc, which is attached to this mail.
>Basically, the modifications are:
>- Inclusion of <sstream> and "getopt++/StringOption.h"
>- Addition of static StringOption ProxyOption ("", 'p', "proxy",
>"HTTP/FTP proxy (host:port)", false);
> - Modification of NetPage::OnInit () method to modify
>NetIO::net_method , NetIO::net_proxy_host and NetIO::net_proxy_port
>I think my changes are conformed to the Cygwin coding guidelines and I
>hope to see this patch accepted.
>As it is my very first patch, I'm not sure if I must send it to this
>mailing-list; or to the cygwin-patches one ?

Since cygwin-patches says this:

    * cygwin-patches: a list for submitting patches to the Cygwin DLL and
    the other components of the "winsup" directory (if you aren't sure what
    this means, then you shouldn't be sending email here).  Discussions of
    supplied patches are also acceptable, of course.  Only subscribers may
    submit email to this list.

that should narrow down your choice to either this mailing list or
cygwin-apps and cygwin-apps is the correct choice.

>Thanks in advance for your comments.

Please provide this as an actual patch:


A patch is basically just a "diff -du old new".  Sending the whole file makes
it hard to figure out what you've changed.

If possible, a patch against the current CVS sources is preferred.  See:



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