I'd like to package and maintain atool for Cygwin.

sdesc: "Script for managing file archives of various types"
ldesc: 'atool is a script for managing file archives of various types
(tar, tar+gzip, zip, bzip2, rar, 7zip, ...).  atool is called under
several names:

* aunpack extracts files from an archive. It overcomes the dreaded
"multiple files in archive root" problem by first extracting to a
unique subdirectory, and then moving back the files if possible.
aunpack also prevents local files from being overwritten by mistake.

* apack creates archives.

* als lists files in archives.

* acat extracts files to standard out.

* adiff generates a diff between archives.'
category: Archive Utils
requires: perl

Home page: http://www.nongnu.org/atool/
License:   GPL

atool is part of Debian stable:  http://packages.debian.org/etch/atool .

Please review.

wget \
 http://home.comcast.net/~andrex/cygwin/atool/setup.hint \
 http://home.comcast.net/~andrex/cygwin/atool/atool-0.33.0-1.tar.bz2 \

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