On 26 February 2008 14:55, Igor Peshansky wrote:

> The question is: what kind of behavior do we really want in case of
> cancellation?  If we want setup to stop whatever it's doing (dependences,
> etc, aside), but be able to resume at a later point to fix the state of
> the system, then Dave's "part 1" is the right approach.  If we want setup
> to always leave the system in a sane state, even when it's interrupted,
> then we should capture the exit message and figure out how to clean up the
> missing dependences.

  You've somewhat missed the point.  The justification for part 1 is that,
entirely orthogonal to and regardless of whatever else we do, those dialog
boxes should be modal and they aren't.  It Is Just Plain Wrong.

  It is a fortuitous side-effect of making them correctly modal that it
becomes slightly trickier to accidentally cancel an installation when you
thought you were just cancelling an individual pop-up request.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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