
even though Cygwin 1.7 is not yet really ok for a main release, I think
that it's time to start a release area for it, so we can start to build
Cygwin applications specificially for 1.7.  A major advantage is that we
will get much more testing, especially when using features which are not
at all present in 1.5.  Long path names, the LSA module, Linux extended
attributes, Vista symlink support, ... more stuff I just don't remember,
and, last but definitely not least, IPv6 support.
I'm not sure if that's the best way to accomplish this, but here's
my idea how to start:

- We create a ftp://cygwin.com/pub/cygwin-1.7 dir.

- Under that dir, we create the full release directory structure as it
  exists in the parallel cygwin dir, except for the "cygwin" itself.

- All files in the original release dir are hardlinked into their
  matching spot in the cygwin-1.7 dir.

- The "cygwin" subdir gets created and filled with only the first Cygwin
  DLL 1.7.0 tar files.

- Chris starts a second upset which creates the setup.ini file in
  the cygwin-1.7 dir.

- The setup.exe team creates a special setup-1.7.exe which will fetch
  data from the cygwin-1.7 directory.

As soon as a maintainer creates a package which has been build under
1.7.0, this package gets copied into the respective directory under the
cygwin-1.7 hirarchy.  This allows to slowly migrate to the 1.7 release
and especially more and more testing and feedback on bugs.

When we're confident that we can dare the first actual public release of
1.7, many packages will already be available in a 1.7 specific build and
the migration will be more smooth for normal users.

Having said that, I would like to ask especially you package maintainers
to set up a separate machine or a separate cygwin directory for the 1.7
release.  Right now we have the problem that the mount points in the
registry are still shared between a 1.5 and a 1.7 release, so you will
have to create some batch files to switch the mount points between the
two installations, if you do this on a single machine.  That's a bit of
a hassle, but it's doable, ok?

Is there anything wrong or sick with the above procedure?


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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